

no images were found


no images were found

April 2017 – Montecristo, placing artificial nests for Storm petrel

no images were found

January 2017 – Eradication of the Black Rat from the Island of Pianosa

no images were found


January 2017 – Recovery of the vegetation on the Island of Giannutri

no images were found

2017 Gennaio – Recovery of the dunes in the Gulf of Lacona

no images were found

2016.10.4-8 – Recovery of the vegetation on the Island of Giannutri

no images were found

2015.05.27 – Educational play on the dunes of Lacona!

no images were found

2015.06.05 – Alien species mapping on Giannutri

no images were found

2015.07.08_09 – Webcams to monitor procellariiformes on Pianosa

no images were found

2015.08.26_27_28 – Montecristo Goat Census

2015.09.17-20 – Monitoring the nests of the Scopoli’s shearwater on the Island of Pianosa

no images were found

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